acrylic on wood panel
2024 Acrylic on panel 42x29.5 cm
This painting was inspired by the true story of young raven, who was found in the middle of the big city, without explanation how he could possibly appear there, and brought to my friend birder, who took care of the raven baby and passed him into the specialised falconry now, where he will be tended to and possibly released by professionals. In my mind this strange, almost miraculous founding awoke the scene from Ivanhoe by Walter Scott, where disdained Black Knight appears from nowhere, nobody knows who he is, where he’s come from, but it turns out to be King Richard, returning to England. This is why I pictured the young raven in the wild woods of Britain, with ripening blackberries, symbolising approaching establishment in the right states, and delicate crown over his head, as a sign on coming kingship and misty castle, vaguely resembling the castle Château Gaillard King Richard later built in Normandy.